WE ARE KookaMooga 

The Innovative Agency


 plural focuses, foci [foh-sahy, -kahy] 

1.a central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity:

2.Physics. a point at which rays of light, heat, or other radiation meet after being refracted or reflected.

3. What we do best.

Our Superlatives (aka the things we love to do….)

Consulting and Mentoring

Goal setting, road mapping strategy

Content curation

Including….but not limited too….

Event Management

Trade Show appearances and demos

Detailing and Coordination

Video Production/Design


Writing and Publishing

Copy writing

Consumer Evaluation

Brand development and enhancement

Brand Ambassador

Social Media Campaigns

Blog Development Strategy and Posting

p.s. if there is anything not on the list….don’t hesitate to inquire. Our arms are long. We will endeavor to find what you need!

Our MO*……. (*Modus Operandi…. Method of Operation…

Kookamooga accepts new clients and challenges every Quarter. Why? This insures our utmost attention and dedication to your project from start to finish.

We will be accepting new clients this Fall 2019. 

Consultations are free and available any time.

A free consultation entitles you to 60 minutes evaluation and discussion of your needs.

Our attention will be one on one. By any means necessary, Skype, FaceTime, conference calls, email, we are pretty well versed in different types of group collaboration.

Session 1

Research and Evaluation.

We come equipped to listen, take notes, evaluate. We may even leave you with a questionnaire to help us evaluate and stream line our solutions for you.

Session 2

Implementation of Action Plan

Whether you need to smarten up your business, streamline your services, iron out some unforeseen kinks…our eagle eyes will have spotted them.

Our bullseye approach will elevate, enhance or celebrate. Problem solving comes naturally to our team.

Session 3

Follow up.

Depending on the project, there may or may not be a need for follow up.

Sometimes called Post Mortem in Event planning.  This sounds so sad to us.  WE TAKE A DIFFERENT APPROACH. What ever we choose to do for you will not be an end… it will be the beginning of awesome.